#skyview tower
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proxycrit · 5 months ago
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Linktober Day 14, akkala skyview tower!
Part of the duo’s jobs as Purah’s interns are to help with the remapping project of Hyrule after the Upheaval. Link’s the only little man sturdy enough to WANT to be flung out of a modified human canon attached to a cable, I think. (Introducing part of the research team! We have Jerrin, a hylian-sheikah researcher; bilson, a rito bolson employee; and truckson, a tarry town goron.)
Want to see more of my TOTK AU where zelda doesnt go back in time? Check out this master post:
And my patreon if you wanna drop like two dollars for my sketchbook :0
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charactersmashorpass-2 · 8 months ago
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"that cutscene where link gets the wire attached... i cant be the only one right"
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atwas-gaming · 2 years ago
Last night's stream.
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atwas-meme-ing · 2 years ago
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blueskittlesart · 2 years ago
my theory is that purah dismantled them and is now using their residual parts to secretly build an eva underneath lookout landing
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dwemer-osha · 5 months ago
Hey Nintendo if the Skyview towers were just built, why did you reuse the "overgrown with thorns" challenge from that one tower in botw TWICE
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toyherb · 2 years ago
while I think the story and game design of totk is really strong, I feel like the game lacks the sense of wonder that was in botw. it doesn't help that totk barely recognizes botw despite being a sequel. botw did happen and people will say as much, but many less prominent NPCs have forgotten Link and all of the physical evidence has disappeared or disposed of. No one mentions any of the champions except for Mipha. It's like a part of us, those who played botw, and in a way, Link, has also been buried. Just like the champions. The divine beasts. The sheikah. The gaurdians.
Maybe just like how they emerged from the ground, all the towers and shrines and divine beasts have sunken into the ground again. But no one acknowledges it, and the gaurdians themselves have disappeared. I miss the music and excitement that came from seeing one.
The zonai aren't nearly as mysterious and strange as the old Sheikah shrines. We know who Rauru and Sonia are. We understand that zonai devices are powered by zonaite. But the sheikah technology, the blue flames, its all gone up in smoke.
I dunno. it feels like I'm looking into a foggy mirror reflecting botw back at me. it's missing pieces that would make it whole. Walking around Hyrule, I feel like I keep seeing ghosts.
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vozchik · 2 years ago
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lspiritomb · 2 years ago
we deserve traveling zonai archeoengineer monk maz koshia
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thegreatandpowerfulwas · 10 months ago
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didn’t get many photos i liked last night but really i should just focus on playing the game 😂 i like the trill of music that plays when you get out of the pond and the game announces you’re back in Hyrule 🎶
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sunsetconcert · 2 years ago
Okay, no, for real, where has all the Sheikah tech gone? The towers are gone, the shrines are gone, it’s all just vanished. And like, I get it, you need that so the gameworld isn’t cluttered, but like... Really? Nowhere?
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the-blaze-empress · 2 years ago
40+ hours on totk and i have one (1) sage and nearly 200 apples
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la-thailande-et-l-asie · 2 years ago
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The top of Bangkok. . . . #thailand #adayinthailand #visitthailand #thailandinsider #thailanddaily #bangkok #bkk #bangkoklife #bangkokspirit #bangkokexplore #bangkokreality #amazingthailand #travelphotography #webangkok #tower #building #topofthecity #skyview #mahanakhon #kingpowermahanakhon #kingpower (à King Power Mahanakhon) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp-GT5UvBbo/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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proxycrit · 5 months ago
If you want to see my general info (and also which tags to look at my other art, click here)
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FAMILIAR FAMILIAR is a self indulgent TOTK AU where Link and Zelda traverse the wild lands of Hyrule together. There are ruins to be discovered and monsters to be eaten.
This project is a linktober challenge that will extend past the month of october. Please be patient with me as this is entirely being funded by a hyperfixation and the support of beloved patreon backers (ty patreon backers). Pls note fanart, fanfics, and spinoffs are perfectly fine as long as credit is due!
Chronological Order (updating as we go!)
1. Blood Moons and Headaches
2. Basement Adventures
3. Basement’s Adventures Haunted
4. Basement’s Extra Haunted
5. Lost (and found)
6. World’s Endin, Purah’s Stressin
7. Concern about Death Mountain
8. Goron City and Yunobo
9. Death Mountain vs Oversized Railgun
10. The Sage of Fire
11. Interlude
12. Goodbye Eldin!
13. Rained In
14. Skyview Towers
15. Close Call
16. Welcome To The Swamp
17. A Guide Named Yona
18. Sidon’s No Good Very Bad Two Months
19. Authority Issues
20. Lab in the Sky
21. The Water Sage
22. Reprise
23. Century Idol
24. Safe Travels
25. It’s Free Transportation
26. Song of Perseverance
27. Crack in the Maze
28. Looking for Lunch
29. Pirates, in MY Hyrule?
30. Ghost Ships
31. Great Fairy Cotera
32. Arm Collection
33. Mushrooms and Cheese
34. Three Headed Public Menace
35. Back into the Basement
36. Spider Jumpscare
37. It’s Free Spine Residue
38. Song of War
39. Wet Sand
40. Fight or Flight
41. Flooded Desert
42. Gut Conductor
43. Riju’s Bug Zapper 9000
44. The Shroud Bringer
45. Weight of Responsibility
46. Ghost Nap
47. Restless Dead
48. Lightning Sage
49. Surcease
50. Kept Promise
- Link and Zelda Reference
- Spotify
- Oneshot ficlets
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diah-the-demon · 2 years ago
why is it so hard to find the fucking light dragon in totk like bruh where tf are you
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theauthorandtheartist · 4 months ago
I had a dream the other night that i can't stop thinking about, where a new LOZ game was released in a similar vein to TOTK, except instead of collecting sages like in that game, there was a series of dungeons/temples that were directly tied to other LOZ games, and at the end, you gained the ability to summon the avatar/ghost of the hero from said game -like the TOTK sages- to help on your quest (and get a fun power up). All of the links would have stilted dialogue with you at first, but as the game goes on they get more friendly and at the end of the game theres a cutscene where they all "move on" and it's super emotional cuz by this point they're all brothers (player-link actually emotes during this cutscene, the only time he does so, for an extra punch in the gut). I don't remember all of the details, but what I do remember was:
A Palace of the Four Sword dungeon where you gained the Link(s) from FSA. FSA Link was the simplest in terms of abilities, the avatar would split into 4 and distract enemies/fight alongside you. Pretty sure this was the first one/tutorial temple. Later on this link gives you a sidequest after which you gain the Four Sword as a weapon (its the second strongest in the game behind the master sword).
A Tower of Winds dungeon where you got Minish Cap Link to tag along. He allows you to shrink for short periods of time to get through locked doors/escape danger. Don't remember much about this dungeon except that there's a timer to get through it before yiu have to start over.
Forest temple/great deku tree/kokiri forest type place where Oot/MM link joins up with you. He allows you to rewind time for a little bit (basically the recall ability but on everything including you). Later on He gives a sidequest that results in obtaining the Fierce Deity Mask (best armor in the game).
Arbiter grounds dungeon where you get TP link. He's basically a glorified horse; you ride him around.
Tower of the Gods dungeon where you get WW/PH Link to tag along. He's like Revali's Gale and Tulin's gust in one.
The dungeon to get the Master Sword is like the Skyview Temple, and to be allowed to draw it you must beat SS Link as the final boss of the temple, After which he joins you on your quest. He allows you to do skyward strikes with any one handed weapon.
A secret, optional dungeon that you only unlock by falling asleep on this random island. It's kohohlit. The only avatars/ghosts that you can access here are OoT/MM Link and WW/PH Link (because PH was a dream and MM was an alternate reality). By the end, You get Alttp/albw/LA link who can put enemies to sleep for a time. Later he gives you a sidequest to get ravio's bracelet, which opens up a few easter eggs and secret loot.
Other links/games were included as easter eggs but they don't stick around. BOTW/TOTK Link is a recurring ghostly NPC who you can find in all the weirdest places, offering seemingly nonsensical trades that change every time you see him (10 frogs for 13 bombs, a ruby for an apple pie, 35 monster parts for a single ancient arrow, etc). There's a few places around hyrule where you see two-bit LOZ1/LOZ2 Link just vibing. ST Link takes the place of Purah or Robbie as the eccentric scientist/engineer who will upgrade your stuff if you bring him materials, and he can also upgrade your ghost-Link-friend's abilities as well since he's -y'know- Hero of Spirits.
There's murals in the castle from Cadence of Hyrule, and there's "ancient history books" about HW and AoC. Throughout Hyrule you'll meet various NPCs claiming to be from different countries here to see "the birthplace of the hero of Holodrum/Labrynnia/Calatia."
Various Zelda's would show up too. You get a sidequest where you have to sneak aboard a ghost pirate ship. It's Tetra's. There's a mysterious sheikah warrior who repeatedly accosts you on your travels to loredump and test if you're ready to fight the big bad. She only ever brings you down to half heart, at which point she makes a disappponted comment and leaves. you aren't able to beat her until near endgame, at which point she reveals herself as sheik, has a brief conversation with Oot/MM Link, gives you some cryptic foreshadowing advice and a few fairies, and dips. BOTW/TOTK zelda is similar to her link since she can be found all over the place, but she deals exclusively in ancient materials and dragon parts. TP Zelda gives lore/exposition when you finally make it to the castle, right before the big bad fight.
Big bad is an amalgamation of all ganons/ganondorfs/big bads across the timelines. He telegraphs attacks via shifting forms to look like various bad guys (forms tentacles like bellum and Majora (at the same time) before slam attack, gets blue pig face before charge attack, long purple vaati hair and bat wings before AOE gust attack, scales up his arm and X on face before big AOE lightning blast, and big fuck-all sword and gerudo features before slashing. 2nd phase has it split into like 5 separate beings to fight you and all your friends at once (each one has different features: one is similar to bellum/majora, one is more beast-ganon, one more demise, one Vaati-esque one, and one Ganondorf-like one). The music is harsh and disjointed, cobbled together from many other games, and the noises that the beast makes are screeching and painful.
By the end of the game, there's a big deal made by SS link that you are the final Link in the cycle, that it's over, that you finished what he couldn't. There's a sense of hope, but also of sorrow, since all your new friends are leaving now. They're ghosts, they're dead, they've done their duty and it's time for them to rest. Before they go, though, each one gives you one last gift (the ability they've been helping you with this whole time) and one last sidequest (one for each of them) for you to accomplish: find their treasures, keep them safe.
Post game is you running around without the ghosts (FSA Link's ability duplicates you now, giving you 3 buddies to fight with, but they can't give dialogue and they last like 30 seconds so it's not the samel), doing mini-dungeons and fetch-quests in order to obtain major key items (all old and unusable anymore) from the Links' adventures, (the Beetle, goddess harp, spinner, shards of the fused shadow, deku/goron/Zora masks, gnat hat, various kinstones, pictobox, deku leaf, LA instruments, Ocarina of Time, wind waker, etc) and some from games not mentioned previously or not from your gaggle of links, (Harp of ages, rod of seasons, silver arrows, a doppel, ST panpipes, a revival doll, Cadence of Hyrule Lute, HW blue Scarf, old and broken Terrako, champion's tunic, BOTW champion's picture, trirod, etc). In post-game, there are new NPCs to replace the links/zeldas that used to fill those niches, but it's not the same. They're gone. It's a bittersweet feeling.
After you finish all the post game and get all the treasures (basically 100%ing the game), you get an achievement called "archive of the ages" and a special cutscene where Player Link sets the Master sword down on the side of his bed, looks out the window of his house at the brilliantly setting sun, smiles, and falls asleep. You may no longer play on that save file anymore. The adventure is over.
Basically I dreamt up a game that was a love letter to the entire series, and I'm sad it was just a dream. Logically i know this will never happen because that would mean tying up LOZ and it's too much of a cash cow for Nintendo to ever stop making, but it was a wonderful dream to have for a little while.
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